Located next to the restaurant, the Sarawak Cultural Village’s retail outlet offers a wide range of Sarawakian handicrafts, souvenirs, books and gifts A stop here is a must before you leave the Village.
In the Handicraft shop, you can buy the book “A Short Walk Through Sarawak”, which is the definitive guide to the Sarawak Cultural Village, offering readers an in-depth look at this unique living museum and the people who live and work here. It is also a great introduction to Sarawak’s peoples and cultures.
Sarawak is rich in its cultural diversity. Of the many highlights of Sarawak’s unique culture are the beautiful traditional headgears and beads. You can browse through the different headgears and beads shown below:
These headgears and beads can be worn traditionally or practically for daily and outdoor activities and can also be used as complementary accessories while attending any functions. For those who are interested to have their own Sarawak Ethnic Headgears and beads, our Handicraft Shop offers a wide variety for sale.
You may also contact Puan Fauziah or Puan Asma at +60 082 846 108 or e-mail us at [email protected] for inquiry.
If you wish to purchase other traditional crafts in our shop, you can email us at [email protected]. We will contact you as soon as we receive your order. Thank you.
“Edward De Bono has 6 but we have 28”
Sarawak is rich in its cultural diversity. Of of the many highlights of Sarawak’s unique culture are the beautiful traditional headgears. The headgears have become one of the attractions for tourists.
These headgears can be worn traditionally or practically for daily and outdoor activities, such as playing golf, fishing and others. These headgears also can be used as complementary accessories while attending any functions.
For those who are interested to have their own Sarawak Ethnic Headgears, our Handicraft Shop offers a wide variety of headgears for sale. Contact Fauziah or Asma at +60 082 846 108 for enquiry.

Necklace and belt
The Lukut Sekala beads are rare and precious to the Kenyah people. Beads are commonly used as beautiful adornment and portrays the class status of the wearer.

Necklace and belt
The ‘Eye’ beads are of beauty and class standards for the Kayan people. Traditionally used as a dowry in wedding ceremonies.

Skull cap, necklace, and belt
The skull cap called ‘Peta Ba’o Rawir’ could be beyond 800 years old and fetch up to RM30,000 in the market. The necklace called the ‘Ba’o Alai’ is precious and of high class to the Kelabits.

Necklace and belt
The yellow beads of the Lun Bawang are precious and of high class of the Lun Bawang. Traditionally used as a dowry in wedding ceremonies.
The Bidayuh bead necklaces are traditionally of black, red, yellow and white colours. The beads necklaces are a must to wear with traditional costumes
Necklace and shoulder accessories
The ‘Marek Empang’ is an intricate bead-work of colourful tiny beads used to decorate the shoulders. The bead necklace is usually worn by the male dancer as part of his traditional costume.
These are some of the herbal plants for health traditionally used by the different ethnic people of Sarawak.
ULAM RAJA (Cosmos Caudatus) - Salad for Kings
This is a herbal plant usually prepared as salad meals by the Malay people of Sarawak. The benefits of eating this plant is believed to promote good health, youthfulness and fresh breath.
MISAI KUCING (Orthosiphon Aristatus)
It has been used for many centuries as a treatment for ailments. It is also used to reduce cholesterol and blood pressure. It is believed to have anti-allergic properties, and is used as a remedy for arteriosclerosi. It also relieves spasms of the smooth muscle in the walls of the internal organs, making it valuable for gallbladder problems. Researchers have found it to be mildly antiseptic as well.
SENDUDUK (Melastoma Candidum)
Senduduk or shrubs with purple flowers or white flowers can be found in the bush. It is traditionally used as an antidote for poisons.
PERIUK KERA (Nepenthes)
Borneo is the centre of Nepenthes diversity. About thirty of the genus’ out of over 80 species grow there. Lowland rainforests, high mountains and undisturbed forests but also degraded areas provide a wide range of habitats for pitcher plants.
PANDAN WANGI (Pandanus Odorus)
The leaves are used either fresh or dried, have a nutty, botanical fragrance which enhances the flavour of local foods, especially rice dishes and cakes. The leaves also have a repellent effect on cockroaches.
SIRIH (Piper Betel)
Betel is used by the Malays as a traditional hospitality in the wedding ceremony of the Malays. Betel is also used in ritual incantations in the process of treating a patient. The leaf can also be taken along with Clove to treat diarrhoea. To treat bleeding of the nose, betel leaf is rolled up and stuffed into the nostrils to stop the flow of blood from the nose.
KETUMPANGAN AIR (Peperomia pellucida)
Ketumpangan Air has been used for treating abdominal pain, abscesses, acne, boils, colic, fatigue, gout, headache, renal disorders, and rheumatic joint pain. The roots are used to treat fevers and the aerial parts are used as dressing for wounds.
LADA (Piper Nigrum)
Black Pepper usually dried and used as a spice and seasoning in food. This plant was believed to cure illness such as constipation, diarrhoea, earache, gangrene, heart disease, hernia, hoarseness, indigestion, insect bites, insomnia, joint pain, liver problems, lung disease, oral abscesses, sunburn, tooth decay, and toothaches.
SERAI (Cymbopogon Citratus)
Lemongrass is widely used as a herb in Asian cuisine. It has a subtle citrus flavour and can be dried and powdered, or used fresh. Lemongrass oil is used as a pesticide and a preservative. Research shows that lemongrass oil has anti-fungal properties.
DAUN KARI (Murraya Koenigii)
Daun Kari, an aromatic leaf often used in Indian cuisine. The leaves are also used as a herb in Ayurvedic medicine. They are much valued as an anti-diabetic, antioxidant, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, hepatoprotective, anti-hypercholesterolemia etc. They also contain iron.
LENGKUAS (Alpinia Galanga)
Lengkuas is a plant in the ginger family, and use as a herb in cooking. The rhizome is an abortifacient. It has carminative, anti-tuberculosis and stimulant properties. Ground rhizome is also used in the treatment of skin infections like eczema, ringworm, etc.
KUNYIT (Curcuma Domestica)
Turmeric is currently being investigated for possible benefits in Alzheimer’s disease, cancer, arthritis, and other clinical disorders. Some research shows compounds in turmeric to have anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties.
PEGAGA (Centella Asiatica)
Pegaga is a mild adaptogen, is mildly antibacterial, antiviral, anti-inflammatory, antiulcerogenic, anxiolytic, nervine and vulnerary, and can act as a cerebral tonic, a circulatory stimulant, and a diuretic. Pegaga may be useful in the treatment of anxiety, and may be a promising anxiolytic agent in the future.